Strange weather in Seattle these days. We awoke to the sound of hail on Thursday at 4:30 am, thunder shook our house around 5:30, and snow fell throughout almost the entire day. I debated about whether or not to brave the elements and head into work, but as the snow continued to pile up, and as I watched buses spin their tires and then just sit by the side of the road near our house, I decided to declare Thursday a snow day. I bundled up (in my totally insufficient snow gear, aka jeans and rubber rain boots), and we spent some time playing in the snow with the neighbor kids. I wimped out after only a few minutes and headed inside to thaw out, but Shane spent most of the morning throwing snowballs. Around noon we were ready for another adventure and so we gathered up the neighbors, called up some friends, and embarked on a 20-minute trek to the bakery. The chilly walk there was totally worth it. Not just for the creamy latte and buttery scone, but because it was so much fun to sit around a table in this cozy neighborhood bakery and share this snow day with some of our closest friends. And the fact that it was a Thursday, and we all really should have been working, made it that much sweeter. I felt like I was back in Junior High, cutting school to go hang out at a friend’s house and eat ice cream. The rest of the afternoon was spent at home, drinking hot tea and enjoying the sight of the final flakes of snow falling outside. We had weathered the storm and had a lot of fun doing it.
Friday was business as usual for the most part. I headed into work in the morning, grateful for a chance to be productive, but a little disappointed to see our pretty white blanket of snow slowly disappearing. Ah well, it was fun while it lasted… But tonight, the snow came back in full force. The tracks in and out of our driveway from our 5 pm grocery run have already been buried. Shane, feeling antsy at the sight of so much fresh powder, headed out 30 minutes ago to attempt to build a snowman (yes, at 11:00 at night), but he found the snow too dry to be proper snowman material, so he had to content himself with helping push stuck cars up the hill near our house (this has come to be his new favorite pastime). Seems I married a man with the heart of a big kid and the muscles of a huge stud. Score. I’m looking forward to getting up tomorrow and seeing how much fresh snow has accumulated. I wonder how much longer I have until the novelty of this winter wonderland wears off?