Archive for the ‘weekly sketching’ Category

more weekly sketches (some more successful than others)…

birds on a wire – ink, acrylic paint, printed paper (07.02.08):

rooted plant (07.18.08):

Trying to stay on track with my sketchbook resolution…

from the window of my favorite cafe on n. mississippi ave in portland (06.20.08):

I have expressed my disappointment in my lack of creative productivity lately, and so I have set a small but significant personal goal. I’ve been inspired by the ‘ blog (a new fave) to make more use of the Moleskine that I carry around with me and have committed to doodling/sketching/collaging/creating in my sketchbook at least once a week. Here are my last couple of endeavors:

lamp/couch/light-washed wall (06.01.08):

abstract still-life collage (06.07.08):

It’s a start…