I haven’t been much into knitting lately – seems my focus is more on reading and studying these days, but still, I wanted to post a quick update on the projects I finished up last month.

This neckwarmer was a quick project, fun because it was a stitch pattern I’d never seen before.  I got the pattern from Ravelry and used a double strand of really soft alpaca blend yarn.  In retrospect, I wish I’d used a chunkier yarn so that the neckwarmer would stand up and hold its shape more (same problem I had with the cowl I made a few months ago), but then again, it does drape nicely this way.  I’ve been keeping my eyes out for cool big buttons so that I can crank out a couple more of these when I have more time – they’d make great gifts.  Or, if they happen to end up on my own scarf rack, so be it, because a girl can never have too many neckwarmers, right?




  1. Nancy says:

    Think how fast you could crank them out if you were to crochet them!

  2. elisabet says:

    what pattern you have you knitted? I like it a lot, in ravelry dooesn t apper nothing like that…

  3. kellyschnell says:

    Hi Elisabet,
    It’s called the ‘Cashmere Neckwarmer’ on Ravelry – hopefully this link will work: http://www.ravelry.com/patterns/library/cashmere-neckwarmer

  4. elisabet says:

    thanks!!!the link works, I can´t wait to try it!!!